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  • Online gaming reverting back to old school Split-Screen!

    With the ever expanding Universe of online games for gamers to sink their teeth into a trend has been on the rise ever since online gaming was popularised. The trend is split screening. Thanks to games such as rocket league we are seeing a steady return of the classic "pull up some chairs and have a few games with your mates" style of gaming. Rocket League is an indie game which involved playing fun and high octane games of football, with fast and brutal cars as your player. Despite actual footie games like FIFA being played by 2 players on one screen, the return of split-screen is a welcoming trend for lots of gamers who feel like a sense of community had been lost. Gears of War 4 will boast a fluid split screen system as well, much like the original games. More games are being released with split-screen features such as Plants and Zombies 2, a fan favourite and one which is taking a new shooter form as you and your friends can fight waves of bad guys together. Another first person shooter "Battleborn" is being shipped with the intention of being played split-screen with friends. Call of Duty also is once again trying to push retro game types into the mix as they are emphasising the ability to split-screen for future titles.

  • Samsung reveals its new waterproof smartphone!

    The reveal comes in tandem with Mark Zuckerberg who is helping Samsung push into the VR market as anyone who pre-order the brand new, and very shiny Samsung Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge phone will also receive a free headset for the device. The event which was held in Barcelona revealed the device to have a 13cm screen with the Edge having a 14cm screen. Both of the handhelds are completely waterproof, and this was showcased in during the event. A welcoming piece of technology if you ask me. The main attraction of the event was Facebook’s announcement of a partnership with Samsung to further push technology to its outer reaches. Facebook founder Zuckerberg said "Today, thanks to this partnership between Samsung and Facebook, this is now possible and that day is here and it wouldn't be possible to deliver this experience in this scale and at this price without Samsung's experience and excellence in hardware and systems." The phones supposedly have better app integration, as well as having an improved micro-SD port for a larger storage capacity. Samsung's mobile phone chief, Koh Diong Jin called the new hardware "challenging, collaborating and improving". However the S7 doesn’t stand out amongst other high-end smart phones, despite the waterproof feature. It will be interesting to see how it preforms on release.

  • YouTube buys out Music Growth service BandPage

    For a reported $8million YouTube have acquired a new tool to attract and help musicians by turning their popularity into a way to effectively make money. BandPage lets artists who off their music as well as advertising gig tickets and new releases. BandPage was mainly used for Facebook pages, where bands could create a tab to show off concert tickets and things to purchase. The price the app was acquired for seems incredibly low, given the app received over $20 million in funding and once had over 32 million active users and was the second most popular Facebook page app, but has since dropped to only a few million, which may explain the cheap acquisition price. However BandPage adapted, and is now integrated with many famous platforms such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Twitter, and Shazam. It maybe for these integrations that YouTube sees possible potential to really push this concept of BandPage forward into the future to help bands make money from their profession much easier. BandPage used to allow limited use for free, with a Plus option for $2 a month but recently made all features free with a 15% transaction free on services.

  • Catapult your YouTube channel into the Future with the new Ritual Growth Guide!

    Over the past few months, the hard working team of Ritual have been compiling a comprehensive growth guide which will be sure to help your channel flourish within a world of heavy competition and every-growing channel bases. With over 50 years of collective experience, the guide is an excellent companion to any YouTube channel. The folks at Ritual guarantee a significant and noticeable growth in 3 months. And judging from the channels we have worked with since our inception, one thing we excel in, is helping our channels grow, whether it is one of our glamour, gamer, ASMR, or viral channels. The contents of the guide boast an eclectic selection, from simple Rules of engagements, to things such as forging your channel identity which include things like banners, logos and introductions. Also how to choose great video titles, improving video watch time, channel consistency, and an overall summary of how you, as a channel, can grow. Channels under our supervision have seen growths from 100 subscribers to 100,000. However, we have also seen channels that have struggled to get off of the ground and ultimately failed. It is from this failure that we have learnt, grown, and adapted to know the rigorous ins and outs of YouTube success. Our promise to you, as a RITUAL partner is that if you follow this guide, and put in as much as effort as possible (which is required for any kind of growth), you will see a change within 3 months. There will be greater consistency with your channels and thousands more active viewers.

  • Fallout 4, love it or hate it?

    Months after its release I am finally in a comfortable position to share my views on Fallout 4. This will be a review, first and foremost, so I am attempting to cast aside any personal bias I may have toward the Fallout franchise and Bethesda as a studio I have held adoration for, for most of my gaming life. The game tries to leap forward in the genre of open world action adventure. Please note my hesitation to call it an RPG. The most vital point of any open world action game, for me, is the environment in which Bethesda have managed to craft one of the best worlds they have created to date. It is interesting, exciting, different, and very engaging. Morrowind was very alien, Oblivion held an aura of generic fantasy but was still fascinating to explore, from Anvil to Cheydinhal. Skyrim was breath-taking and captivating, harsh and wondrous. Fallout 3 was destructively unique. The feeling of wondering and exploring was captured in these worlds as both immersive and captivating. Fallout 4 takes this concept and almost perfects it, combining all of their previous projects into a world that you can lose yourself in for, literally, days. The rolling hills of the landscape is a wonderful change from New Vegas, the winding broken roads help the world feel much more organic rather than a world crafted by people in a studio. The world of Boston boasts fantastic house designs and the villages are unique and varied, Lexington felt like a sprawling village and downtown Boston actually felt like it may have well been a bustling city, before the Great War. The world has good pacing of locations, you’re not bombarded with locations but it’s also not too far to walk into you encounter the next thing to explore. To elaborate, the world is so fun to explore, that whilst on an important quest you can spot something in a distance and explore this area first. I didn’t need to save Oberland Station from Super Mutants anyway. You want to go inside every building, every hospital, and every factory, just to see what mysteries are held inside. My only reservations about the world are the Anti-Aliasing options which are quite weak and blur textures when you move, which can sometime spoil the environment. Things like wires and tree branches shimmer and it just doesn’t look good. So there are a few things to be improved, but the graphics of the world are solid, they are by no means the best, but they beat out the earlier games, which to be honest, is expected. However, with the lighting and the graphics combined the world is one of the most beautiful created by Bethesda, if by any developer team. Approaching this game with the knowledge of a voice protagonist bothered me. A Bethesda game was usually centred on you sculpting a character, making them your own and experiencing the story as this character. The voices protagonist takes this essence of Bethesda games away. Instead of being able to completely imagine a character, you are given a voice which is not yours. However, this is a personal issue. As far as the implementation and delivery of the voices protagonist goes, it is excellent. The dialogue options can be a little vague but the responses are always fuelled with story-driven elements and can often be quite intimidating or scary. If one takes Fallout 4 as its own game, the implementation of the voiced system is excellent. It rivals games such as Mass Effect and The Witcher 3. Despite this, it is a feature I would gladly remove from the game with mods, and hope to see an abolition of this feature in the next Elder Scrolls game. To discuss more features generally, the shooting mechanics of this FPS have been greatly improved. The animations are enriched and there is definitely a feeling of weight and “oomph” behind each shot. The pistols feel like pistols and the missile launcher feels like you did actually just blast 5 kilograms of explosive destruction into that horde of ambushing ghouls. The weapon customization could use a better user interface, it isn’t very intuitive at first but once you get the hang of it, the process becomes really fun. Turning a useless pipe rifle into a 50. Calibre sniper rifle to blast off the heads of your enemies has never been more pleasing, especially with the gratification that comes with, “damn, that was my weapon that did that”. The armour customization is much simpler, but also offers some cool features which improve upon Skyrim’s very simple armour upgrade system. Moving onto the general interface of the game, it could be a lot better. The UI was clearly built specifically for consoles and controllers, with little consideration for how a PC user with a mouse and keyboard might have navigate. Sure, it is acceptable and doesn’t cause any problems, but the pipboy hides certain menu’s unless you click to the end with your mouse or move it along with arrow keys, a tiresome task when all it should take is a seamless click, but this isn’t a problem for console users who can simply lightly press their analogue sticks. Apart from that, it was nice to see familiar features return like the ability to collect and play holotapes as well as picking up notes and letters from around the wastes. These were implemented in what I thought was a very tasteful fashion. This next area kind of links in with the user interface, but is a double edged sword. That is the settlement building system. I both love it and hate it. I love it when things go according to my creative plans, but that seldom happens and instead I spend an hour trying to create something which should be incredibly simple and intuitive, but instead I am blocked by the game for seemingly no apparent reason. The main problem is Bethesda’s need for clipping. Why can I not simply clip these two walls slightly together to create my bass? Why must I be greeted with an obnoxious red block which tells me, “no, you cannot do that”, even though there are no technological restrictions given that mods, without the G.E.C.K can easily fix this issue. The builder is very restricted and boring without mods after a couple of hours, and yet again Bethesda have allowed the modding community to finish their game for them. The AI sees a dramatic improvement for other games. The animations and diversity of the NPC characters makes the game feel more alive than any Bethesda game previously. The cities/settlements/villages tend to boast more interesting characters which always have something interesting or witty to say, albeit some of the dynamic randomly generated quests are quite generic and repetitive, but on your first play through you would surely get great fun out of them. The voice acting is a mixed bag, some great voices, some familiar voices in the guise of Wes Johnson, and some new voices, and some voices which didn’t quite keep in terms of quality, some felt like they were just voice actors, which breaks immersion. However, Bethesda have done a good job as always with the NPC’s of their games. The story of the game is arching and complicated, it allows you to take a very direct path, however there are multiple ways to go down this path. Well, actually, two ways. As a nice, loving father or as an angry, bitter father looking for his son. To withhold spoilers, there is a big choice at the end of the game, but this is similar to FO3 where the only real choice which mattered occurred right at the end. This lacks the depth and replay value of the main story, something which New Vegas seemingly mastered, however, for a single story, the writing and production is Bethesda’s best yet. Side quests and secondary faction quests are some of the most fun I have had in a game in years. There are completely unique story lines which have never been explored and go much further than go to point a, then b, then grab XY, and bring to me at z, and this makes the game more replay-able, with multiple outcomes to most side quests, adding to the unique feel of the game. Overall, the questing of the game is fantastic. Fallout 4 has achieved so much, and improved on even more than that. However, there are improvements left to be desired. The game is not perfect, and I am afraid to say it is not my favourite Bethesda game because I feel the Fallout Franchise slowly creeping away from what I originally loved about Bethesda as a studio, but the game itself, on its own standards is truly amazing. It is one of the best games I have played in recent years and I am sure I will pump hundreds of hours into it over the coming years. If I had to rate Fallout 4, I would give it a 8.5/10; in its current, vanilla state.

  • Fine Bros? Or a mighty fine mistake?

    Over the past few days, you will have obviously have heard the commotion around the Fine Brothers channels and their attempt to place licencing on their brand of "react" videos. Whether or not they wanted to brand any sort of reaction videos of their own, we can look at the over-arching complications of popular YouTubers, especially ones with a specific style of entertainment, trying to assert some form of control over their entertainment demographics. With channels such as PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, and the Fine Bros, it is very hard to compete with their level of success. However, Felix nor "Jack" (not his real name), have ever tried to make licence claims on their content, and neither have they been known for being tyrannical YouTubers who file copyright complaint after complaint, even for slightly similar content. What I want to say is, why did it take the Fine Bros so long to be criticised? For years they have been filing complaints and copyright strikes against any video or channel which has even vaguely resembled their own, effectively taking down any competition. Is this fair use of YouTube's Copyright system? The Fine Bros have been bleeding subscribers, rightly so, for trying to assert their authority over certain brands they could never control, but we should not wait for such events to happen before we taken action and act over these kinds of predatory channels. If a certain YouTuber with a lot of influence and power is abusing that influence, we should work together as a community of entertained consumers to put an end to such aggressive discrimination and abuse of copyright and licencing systems. Some may say the Fine Bros wanted to protect their content? Okay, that is fair, but bear in mind that they have held trademarks for their Teens, Elders, and YouTubers react shows for many years. They simply wanted to try and make a profit from anyone trying to delve into the react entertainment industry, thus rather than losing out on the competition, they share in the success of the competition. But what do you think? Were the Fine Bros in the right? Were they in the wrong? Let us know.

  • ASMR - The YouTube relaxation sensation taking over the views!

    Many of you may have felt quite relaxed at certain points in your life, like laying by the beach or listening to some soft music just before bed, but did you know there is a HUGE network of YouTubers called "Asmr-tists" who create videos purely for relaxation? But what is ASMR? The new-age acronym stands for "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response", which is defined as a relaxing tingling sensation which runs throughout your body, the most popular locations being the scalps and limbs. Think goosebumps, but pleasurable. No one has yet done scientific research into the phenomena, but with millions of views being gathered on the video below, its hard to believe so many people could be wrong; These videos are often listened to in bed, or somewhere relaxing for the viewer. The video consists of various "triggers" known to the community to which certain sounds or visual stimuli trigger the previously described sensation of ASMR. Triggers include soft speaking, whispering, scratching on objects, tapping on objects, foam sounds, mouth sounds, water sounds, and various other mundane sounds which people may find relaxing. The industry of ASMR is steadily growing, going from a few channels to thousands in a few years. The videos are often misinterepreted as "Sexual" or "Erotic", which is completely false. What do you think of ASMR? Do you experience it? Do you think it is a sexual fetish? Do you think it is a great new trend? Let us know in the comments section. We will be covering lots of ASMR topics in the future! Get Inspired To keep up with all things #YouTube & #ASMR including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to create and grow your own audience! You can also sign up for our FREE academy and get expert guidance on all things YouTube.

  • YouTube shocks all with kind charity donation options

    Have you ever wanted to raise money for chaity, as a YouTuber? Have you often thought there could be an easier process than simply, and riskily, asking for paypal donations to then be trusted to forward to charity? Well YouTube have come up with an an ingenius solution of allowing its U.S users to direct donations to non-profit organisations. From the interface of a video, a user can donate to upto 1.8 million certified donors. An inportant factor that might have some people wondering is that Google take 0% cuts from this venture, the kind donations go straight to the non-profit, 100%. Google do plan to make this feature available to all of its users, however, for now, the feature is reserved for those who reside in the United States,

  • Aussie blokes witness robbery, then steal the thieves car..

    Footage has gone viral after a pair of Aussie blokes hilariously attemp to stop a robbery. The two men, named James Ross-Munroe and Kane Wiblen, were minding their own when one of them noticed an Oporto shop at Arundel service station had been broken into. When they go over to investigate they notice the theives vehicle outside – which had no license plates – and then decided to take the keys from the ignition. When the theives came out and jumped in the car one of the aussie blokes jumped in after them and throw a few punches. Only in Australia right? The thieves decided to make a run for it on foot – with Ross-Munroe giving chase. Unfortunately they where not able to catch them. The investigation is ongoing, with police confirming that the car was stolen. Ross-Munroe was quoted as saying: “When the driver came back to the car he realised his keys were missing, the passenger jumped in and I managed to land a few punches. I chased them but because I’m fat they got away” Seriously, only in Australia....

  • YouTube lifts its censorship... at what costs?

    Three years ago, YouTube, our beloved video sharing platform was undemocratically blocked in Pakistan, as a video seemed to show insults to Islam. The telecom branch of Pakistan has now lifted this ban, as Google have worked hard to produce a Pakistani version of YouTube. However, in a statement Google have said, "Google/YouTube will accordingly restrict access to the said offending material for users within Pakistan." Is this fair? Should the young minds of Pakistan have limited access to YouTube and its content? Or should the content be blocked? Over 12 people died in the riots in Pakistan after the film "Innonce of Muslims" seemed to portray the prophet Mohammad in a mocking, satirical manner. What do you think of this newly formed "censored" version of YouTube? Is it better than no access? Should there be full access? Let us know in the comments.

  • YouTube is set to overtake Traditional TV

    Viewing patterns released by entertainment research groups. The enmxt generation of parents, people aged from 18-25 claim they would rather stick to internet based entertainment such as YouTube and Netflix than fork out for TV liscences. It is already common knowledge that Sky and ITV are two companies seeing profit drops because of streaming services, but what will happen to such services when the new age of "millenials" become the largest customer base? Will Sky and ITV still have customers? With news, entertainment, and live fun available so readily on the internet has traditional TV passed its epoch? Ofcom are sceptical to give legitimate weight to such claims, but do claim that patterns are emerging supporting the concept of traditional TV being overtaken by internet services. LEK media also claimed that such behaviour of the millenial generation is not waviering, and that these people will not simply revert back to Television once they have their own homes and family, but rather will stay fixed to internet entertainment. One can look at YouTube success stories such as PewDiePie who's famous YouTube channel pulls in more daily views than multiple highlight evening TV shows with million dollar budgets. What do you think the future of Television is? Leave a comment below.

  • Leslie Benzies Quits Rockstar

    After a long sabbatical which started on September 1, 2014, Leslie Benzies, the Rockstar North President has resigned. The famous studio employee worked on each Grand Theft Auto installement sicne GTA III and also contributed to projects such as Red Dead Redemption, LA NOIR, and Max Payne 3. The news comes from Kotaku, who published the following statement; “We can confirm that Leslie Benzies went on sabbatical on September 1, 2014 and has decided not to return to work for the company. We are very grateful for Leslie’s contributions to Rockstar over the last 15 years as we worked together to make some amazing games,” the statement says. “Leslie helped us build an incredible team that will continue to create great experiences for our fans. Leslie will always be a friend to the company and of course we are going to miss him but we wish him the absolute best for the future.” Benzies is often cited as a key compoent of the Rockstar team and one of the many reasons why GTA III was a success. He received the BAFTA Special Award for Games for their contribution to the videogame industry in 2005. It is not known what Leslie Benzies plans to do next, but we can surely expect big things from such a giant within the gaming industry.

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