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Samsung reveals its new waterproof smartphone!

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

The reveal comes in tandem with Mark Zuckerberg who is helping Samsung push into the VR market as anyone who pre-order the brand new, and very shiny Samsung Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge phone will also receive a free headset for the device.

The event which was held in Barcelona revealed the device to have a 13cm screen with the Edge having a 14cm screen. Both of the handhelds are completely waterproof, and this was showcased in during the event. A welcoming piece of technology if you ask me.

The main attraction of the event was Facebook’s announcement of a partnership with Samsung to further push technology to its outer reaches. Facebook founder Zuckerberg said "Today, thanks to this partnership between Samsung and Facebook, this is now possible and that day is here and it wouldn't be possible to deliver this experience in this scale and at this price without Samsung's experience and excellence in hardware and systems."

The phones supposedly have better app integration, as well as having an improved micro-SD port for a larger storage capacity. Samsung's mobile phone chief, Koh Diong Jin called the new hardware "challenging, collaborating and improving".

However the S7 doesn’t stand out amongst other high-end smart phones, despite the waterproof feature. It will be interesting to see how it preforms on release.

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