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  • YouTube is launching it's own story feature called 'Reels'

    It seems that just about everyone is getting involved with stories. The popular format introduced by Snapchat, then adopted by Instagram, Facebook, Skype and lots of other platforms, is now making it's way to YouTube. YouTube announced they're launching a new feature that they will be calling “Reels.” This is a new feature that YouTube announced briefly and will be featured around the expansion of the community tab. Reels will be YouTube's take on stories and will include some of the features we've become used to with stories on other platforms, but also with their own take. The idea around Reels is that users will be able to post a new form of content to YouTube without having to post a full video. It will help users express themselves and connect with fans in a new way. Creators make new Reels by shooting a few quick mobile videos of up to 30 seconds each, they will then have the options of adding filters, music, text and new “YouTube” stickers. Also, Reels will not expire after 24 hours unlike platforms like Instagram and Facebook and instead YouTube will let users have multiple Reels and create a library for each category of reels. Reels will also not feature on the home page of the YouTube app, but it will instead be centred around the community tab. This will allow viewers to decide if they would like to watch the content or not, which could help the new feature be more welcomed than when the likes of Snapchat and Facebook launched similar features. This all comes with YouTube's attempt to create a mini social network within the community tab. The Community lives on a creator’s channel in its own tab, allowing them to share updates using text, photos, GIFs, polls, and more. The new feature will be available for a small group of the site’s creators and will be tested first. There is no announcement on when this will roll out properly in beta.

  • YouTube Is Launching It's Own Story Feature Called 'Reels'

    It seems that just about everyone is getting involved with stories. The popular format introduced by Snapchat, then adopted by Instagram, Facebook, Skype and lots of other platforms, is now making it's way to YouTube. YouTube announced they're launching a new feature that they will be calling “Reels.” This is a new feature that YouTube announced briefly and will be featured around the expansion of the community tab. Reels will be YouTube's take on stories and will include some of the features we've become used to with stories on other platforms, but also with their own take. The idea around Reels is that users will be able to post a new form of content to YouTube without having to post a full video. It will help users express themselves and connect with fans in a new way. Creators make new Reels by shooting a few quick mobile videos of up to 30 seconds each, they will then have the options of adding filters, music, text and new “YouTube” stickers. Also, Reels will not expire after 24 hours unlike platforms like Instagram and Facebook and instead YouTube will let users have multiple Reels and create a library foreach category of reels. Reels will also not feature on the home page of the YouTube app, but it will instead be centred around the community tab. This will allow viewers to decide if they would like to watch the content or not, which could help the new feature be more welcomed than when the likes of Snapchat and Facebook launched similar features. This all comes with YouTube's attempt to create a mini social network within the community tab. The Community lives on a creator’s channel in its own tab, allowing them to share updates using text, photos, GIFs, polls, and more. The new feature will be available for a small group of the site’s creators and will be tested first. There is no announcement on when this will roll out properly in beta. Get Inspired To keep up with all things #YouTube including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to create and grow your own audience! You can also sign up for our FREE academy and get expert guidance on all things YouTube.

  • Why you should be getting involved with Vlogmas!

    We're now five days into December and the Christmas countdown has well and truly began. It’s hard to believe that 2017 is nearly over, and what a year it’s been for everyone here at Ritual! We hope everyone from our amazing team also feels like it was equally as successful. However, the job is not done just yet! December is notoriously known for its high CPM's and we want to make sure you're taking advantage of this. End of year CPM's are among some of the highest of the year and they're a great time for you to make some extra revenue. Just in case you don't know, CPM is basically what an advertiser is willing to pay for their advert to be served against a video per 1,000 views. This means that throughout December, you could potentially be getting paid much higher per 1,000 views than you would during other months. However, what goes up must come down and usually during January we see some of the lowest CPM's of the year. So what is Vlogmas? Vlogmas is a YouTube creator concept which is the challenge to release a video on your channel every day for the whole month of December. This has two main benefits which are extra views and extra revenue with higher CPMs. The more videos you upload, the more views you will receive, which equals more opportunities for revenue.. It presents a great opportunity for you to really expand your audience and connect with them for a full month, while also securing some additional revenue during a great CPM month. Check out Keemi's amazing Vlogmas video: If you're asking yourself the question, should I get involved? We definitely think so! It really does give you an opportunity to challenge yourself, reward your audience and increase your revenue. It's also important to think ahead and understand that January is potentially a low earning month, so make sure you cash in as the next opportunity will soon be a year away. If you do decide to get involved with Vlogmas, please tweet us your videos @RitualNetwork and we'll be sure to share them! :-)

  • Why You Should Be Getting Involved With Vlogmas!

    We're now five days into December and the Christmas countdown has well and truly began. It’s hard to believe that 2017 is nearly over, and what a year it’s been for everyone here at Ritual! We hope everyone from our amazing team also feels like it was equally as successful. However, the job is not done just yet! December is notoriously known for its high CPM's and we want to make sure you're taking advantage of this. End of year CPMs are among some of the highest of the year and they're a great time for you to make some extra revenue. Just in case you don't know, CPM is basically what an advertiser is willing to pay for their advert to be served against a video per 1,000 views. This means that throughout December, you could potentially be getting paid much higher per 1,000 views than you would during other months. However, what goes up must come down and usually during January we see some of the lowest CPMs of the year. What Is Vlogmas? Vlogmas is a YouTube creator concept which is the challenge to release a video on your channel every day for the whole month of December. This has two main benefits which are extra views and extra revenue with higher CPMs. The more videos you upload, the more views you will receive, which equals more opportunities for revenue.. It presents a great opportunity for you to really expand your audience and connect with them for a full month, while also securing some additional revenue during a great CPM month. Check out Keemi's amazing Vlogmas video: If you're asking yourself the question, should I get involved? We definitely think so! It really does give you an opportunity to challenge yourself, reward your audience and increase your revenue. It's also important to think ahead and understand that January is potentially a low earning month, so make sure you cash in as the next opportunity will soon be a year away. If you do decide to get involved with Vlogmas, please tweet us your videos @RitualNetwork and we'll be sure to share them! Get Inspired To keep up with all things #YouTube including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to create and grow your own audience! You can also sign up for our FREE academy and get expert guidance on all things YouTube.

  • YouTube Gaming: nuevas funciones y suscripciones de pago

    YouTube ha lanzado una nueva vía de ingresos e interacción con los fans para YouTube Gaming: los patrocinios (traducción de sponsorships que se ha usado para la comunidad hispana). Los patrocinios permiten que un fan pueda obtener algunas ventajas extra sobre el resto de usuarios mediante un pago mensual de 4,99 USD y el número de patrocinadores con el que un creador cuente, también aumentará las ventajas que este puede ofrecerles. Beneficios exclusivos Medalla distintiva en el chat. Acceso al chat cuando el creador lo haya restringido al modo solo para patrocinadores. Acceso a los emojis personalizados elegidos por el creador. Inmunidad al "Slow mode" por lo que no tendrán mínimo de tiempo entre mensajes. Enviar los emojis personalizados configurados por el creador. La cantidad de ellos que éste puede crear dependerá del número de patrocinadores con el que cuente. También se cuenta con compatibilidad para herramientas de terceros como Discord y Streamlabs por lo que se proporcionan posibilidades más allá de la plataforma. Podrán activar esta nueva función aquellos con un canal gaming, más de 1000 suscriptores, al menos 18 años y la monetización activada. Más Información | YouTube Help

  • Ritual lanza una solución SaaS para Marketing de Influencers

    Ritual lanza una solución de Marketing para Influencers Reino Unido: Ritual Network ha lanzado oficialmente una solución automatizada para marketing de influencers, Infinite Influence. Ritual Network, una de las principales Redes Multicanal (MCN) y agencia de gestión de influencers en medios sociales con base en UK que cuenta con más de 350 millones de espectadores únicos cada mes, ha lanzado una nueva filial llamada Infinite Influence LTD, que ha presentado una nueva herramienta para automatización de marketing de influencers. "Estamos entusiasmados de anunciar que hemos lanzado Infinite Influence, con nuestra recién construida solución automatizada para marketing de influencers" declara Lewis Walker, CEO de la compañía. "Infinite Influence es la nueva filial de marketing de influencers y proveerá una solución completa que relacionará de forma automática marcas con personas influyentes clave en el ámbito social". Infinite Influence busca hacer del marketing de influencers algo tan sencillo como comprar o vender cualquier producto online. La idea tras este concepto es que mediante el uso de las herramientas que hemos desarrollado, marcas y anunciantes puedan conectar directamente con influencers que encajan con su audiencia objetivo. La plataforma ayuda a descubrir al 15% de los mayores creadores de contenido basándose en las necesidades publicitarias del anunciante como pueden ser datos demográficos, género, edad y presupuesto. "Usando la tecnología inteligente que hemos desarrollado, podemos seleccionar al 15% de los mayores influencers adecuados basándonos en varios Indicadores Clave de Rendimiento. Ahora puedes crear campañas que llegan a la audiencia adecuada y entregan los mejores resultados al mismo tiempo que te aseguras de que se mantiene la autenticidad del creador" dice Thorsten Schauer, Gerente de Operaciones Globales. La plataforma cuenta en este momento con más de 1000 influencers incritos a través de varias redes sociales como Twitter, YouTube, Facebook e Instagram. La plataforma de Infinite Influence es de uso gratuito para todas las marcas, agencias y anunciantes en UK. Infinite Influence obtiene beneficios tomando un pequeño porcentaje en forma de comisión de la cuota de servicio del talento. Visita Infinite Influence: Para saber más acerca del lanzamiento de Infinite Influence, planes de expansión, o para reservar una entrevista, contacta con Thorsten Schauer en +44 7841 534 737 o por email,, o visita la web en o

  • Ritual launch SaaS Influencer Marketing Solution

    Ritual launch SaaS Influencer Marketing Solution United Kingdom: Ritual Network have officially launched an influencer marketing automated solution, Infinite Influence. Ritual Network, a leading UK based Multi Channel Network and social media influencer management agency with over 350 million monthly unique viewers, have announced they have launched a new arm called Infinite Influence LTD, which has released a new influencer marketing automation tool. "We are thrilled to announce that we have launched Infinite Influence, with our newly built automated influencer marketing solution." Says CEO, Lewis Walker. "Infinite Influence is the new influencer marketing arm and it will provide the full solution of automatically matching brands with key social influencers." Infinite Influence aims to make influencer marketing as easy as buying or selling any online product. The idea behind this concept is that by using the new tools they have developed, brands and advertisers will be able to connect directly to influencers who match their target audience. The platform helps discover the top 15% of content creators based on your advertising needs such as demographics, gender, age and budget. "Using smart technology that we have developed, we are able to pick out the top 15% of suited influencers based on various Key Performance Indicators. You can now create campaigns that reach the right audience and deliver the best results, while also making sure that you keep the authenticity of the creator." Says Global Operations Manager, Thorsten Schauer. The platform now has over 1,000 key influencers signed up across various social media sites such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook & Instagram. The Infinite Influence platform is also free to use for all brands, agencies and advertisers in the UK. Infinite Influence makes profit by taking a small percentage commission from the talents service fee. Visit Infinite Influence: To learn more about the launch of Infinite Influence, expansion plans, or to book an interview, contact Thorsten Schauer at +44 7841 534 737 or email,, or visit the website at or

  • Novedades en YouTube: Nuevo logo y modo noche entre otras

    YouTube acaba de hacer varios anuncios haciendo oficiales algunas de las nuevas funciones para la plataforma de las que se escuchan rumores desde hace tiempo. Algunas de ellas han sido muy esperadas por todos pero otras, en su mayoría aspectos de diseño, están causando controversia entre los usuarios. El nuevo logo Con más de la mitad de las reproducciones provenientes de dispositivos móviles, era de esperar que YouTube modificase su logo para poder adaptarse a una experiencia multipantalla y así ha sido. El logotipo que preside estas líneas tiene un versión abreviaba en la que se elimina el texto para las pantallas más pequeñas. Toda la información, formatos y normas de estilo están disponibles en esta página disponible para todo el mundo. No han faltado usuarios opinando que el nuevo logo elimina el significado de YouTube pero desde la compañía insisten en qu ela misión continúa siendo la misma. Aplicación móvil Nuevo diseño: La cabecera es ahora blanca para dar más protagonismo al contenido y las pestañas de navegación se han movido a la parte inferior para estar más cerca de los pulgares. También se han añadido las pestañas "Biblioteca" y "Cuenta" que permiten ver las listas, historial, vídeos subidos... Gestos: No son algo nuevo pues se estrenaron hace unos meses con el doble toque a izquierda o derecha del vídeo para retroceder o avanzar 10 segundos pero en los próximos meses también se podrá cambiar entre vídeos deslizando el dedo desde los lados de la pantalla. Velocidad de reproducción: Aunque muchos se sorprendan, hasta ahora no se podía acelerar o ralentizar el vídeo en la app como en el escritorio. Si lo echabas de menos, aquí lo tienes. Adaptación automática al formato del vídeo: Aunque a muchos les hierve la sangre al ver un vídeo grabado en vertical, el hecho es que estos están proliferando en la plataforma. Desde ahora, la aplicación se adaptará automáticamente para aprovechar mejor la pantalla si el vídeo ha sido grabado en vertical. Busca y descubre: Podrás ver una fila de vídeos sugeridos mientras disfrutas de la pantalla completa. Se esperan más novedades en este sentido. En el siguiente vídeo puedes verlas en 50 segundos sin tener que ir a buscarlas. Escritorio El nuevo diseño que muchos ya conocen y han podido probar durante estos meses si no les importaba sufrir algún que otro bug ha sido activado para todos los usuarios. El objetivo es incluir a YouTube en la tendencia Material Design que Google está implementando en sus aplicaciones. Una de sus novedades más demandadas es el modo noche, que oscurece toda la pantalla para acercarte más a la experiencia que tendrías en un cine.

  • YouTube Introduces New Video Sharing Options

    Sharing videos on YouTube is so important to us all. If you find a song that your best friend will absolutely love, or if you find the latest Fidget Spinner trend that your Great Aunt Judith would love to know about, you need to be able to share it as quick as word of mouth. Starting today, you can share videos with your friends and family directly on YouTube. Not only can you share and receive videos in the app, you can also chat about them right on YouTube, reply with another video, invite others to the conversation, and more. This is a game changer and we think it’ll make sharing easier, faster and more fun on your phone. At just $35 a month, you can get six accounts and access to live TV from more than 40 providers from broadcasters like NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox along with cable channels like MSNBC, USA, ESPN, FX, and Fox News. What do you think about this new feature? Will it improve your YouTube experience and help your videos to get more shares and essentially more views? Get Inspired To keep up with all things #YouTube including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to create and grow your own audience! You can also sign up for our FREE academy and get expert guidance on all things YouTube.

  • YouTube introduces new video sharing options

    Sharing videos on YouTube is so important to us all. If you find a song that your best friend will absolutely love, or if you find the latest Fidget Spinner trend that your Great Aunt Judith would love to know about, you need to be able to share it as quick as word of mouth. Starting today, you can share videos with your friends and family directly on YouTube. Not only can you share and receive videos in the app, you can also chat about them right on YouTube, reply with another video, invite others to the conversation, and more. This is a game changer and we think it’ll make sharing easier, faster and more fun on your phone. What do you think about this new feature? Will it improve your YouTube experience and help your videos to get more shares and essentially more views?

  • YouTube Release New Options To Appeal Videos Misclassified For Advertising.

    YouTube have today announced that they are rolling out new monetization icons that will give you more information on whether the video is being monetized, as well as expanding the ability to appeal videos that have been flagged as unsafe for advertisers. "As a part of these recent changes, however, some videos were classified as not suitable for all advertisers, limiting the number of ads served on those videos. There was also no ability to directly appeal in Video Manager. Over the next few weeks, we plan to roll out new icons that will give you a more detailed understanding of how each and every video on your channel (or channels) is monetizing as well as the ability to appeal if you think a video is misclassified. We want our systems to get better and better - and every appeal helps" When this feature is available in your account, you will see a notification in Creator Studio. It’s important to note that the revenue being earned by your video is not changing with this launch. Instead, this update gives you a more detailed understanding of whether your video has been identified as not suitable for all advertisers and provides the chance to appeal in Video Manager. For more information you can read this article. Get Inspired To keep up with all things #YouTube including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to create and grow your own audience! You can also sign up for our FREE academy and get expert guidance on all things YouTube.

  • YouTube Are Experimenting With Animated Thumbnails

    YouTube secretly rolled out an awesome new experiment this week featuring animated thumbnails. This is something that a lot of people have been asking for for a while now and it is great to see YouTube are listening. This new feature could potentially change the videos that consumers are watching. With animated thumbnails it allows you to have a quick preview of what the video is about. YouTube are improving how you make video watching decisions by launching an experiment for video previews for desktop. A small (and growing) percentage of users will be shown a 3-second preview of the video while browsing YouTube on desktop. The preview will play when you hover over the thumbnail, giving you better sense for what each video is about and making it easier to find the next great video to watch. We're already looking into ways we can take advantage of this awesome new feature for our creators. This could be a great new opportunity to spike your viewership, so let's make sure you're ready for this rolling out to the masses. Learn more in the YouTube help center: Get more details in the YouTube Help Forum:!topic/youtube/_l6l7EbHoKc Get Inspired To keep up with all things #YouTube including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to create and grow your own audience! You can also sign up for our FREE academy and get expert guidance on all things YouTube.

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