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The Different Types Of Influencer Marketing Partnerships (Between Influencers and Brands)

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

When it comes to influencer marketing, there are so many different types of partnerships that a brand can have with an influencer.

Influencer marketing connecting audiences

Through the various means of connecting with your consumer through the voice of an influencer, you are more likely to achieve a higher performance and have a stronger voice in the online conversation while also delivering high quality content.

With influencer marketing becoming so popular, the opportunities that are available for both brands and influencers is limitless. We wanted to create a list to explain the different types of partnerships between brands and influencers.

One-Off Payment.

This is by far the most popular method used currently as it allows advertisers to offer an influencer a one off payment to promote their brand. These types of partnerships usually make for great campaigns as it allows the influencer to create a one-off unique piece of content that fits in will with their current message. This is great for the brand and audience as the content is organic and natural, and also usually high quality content. One off campaigns are great for brands that want to create brand awareness.

This type of partnerships is usually for one piece of content and is paid as a simple flat fee.

Brand Ambassador

When an influencer is perfectly inline with a brands message it often means that they can talk more frequently about the product or brand in a way that is still organic. Influencers can be extremely strong ambassadors for a brand as they might already have the perfect target audience with which they can share the brands message in an organic way which mutually benefits everyone. This can deliver amazing results for brands as it allows them to be part of the conversation through someone with an already established influence, while also potentially getting really high quality content produced related to their brand. It also gives off the sense of loyalty as the influencer will continuously promote the brand wherever it organically fits.

Bringing a brand ambassador on board is one of the most powerful and effective ways of using influencer marketing. This type of partnerships is usually for a continuous fee or free products/access.

Influencer Marketing Agency at work

Product Only Commission

This is one of the most popular methods of influencer marketing. It works well when the influencer is inline with the brands message. For example, if my business sold high-end tennis rackets it would make sense for me to get high profile tennis influencers using my products.

This type of partnership allows brands the opportunity to let influencers use their products or services for free, while hoping that they promote it in a positive way. It also allows the influencer to refer people to the product and earn a commission for the new business they bring. This is a great way to get influential people using your products, and if they love them then the benefits could be huge for brands.

Summary; There are lots of different types of partnerships that brands and influencers can create. We have mentioned the key relationships in the current influencer marketing picture. There are many different factors which could decide with type of influencer partnership best suits your brand and it really comes down to what you’re trying to achieve. That being said, all brands should be looking into how they can develop influencer relationships and get themselves heard in the conversation.

Get Inspired

To keep up with all things #InfluencerMarketing, including tips, tricks and interesting articles, head over to to the Ritual Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to start crafting your influencer campaigns. You can also join our world leading FREE academy where you will receive industry leading training and material on everything influencer marketing.

Influencer discovery can be a long and tiring process if you have to manually search for the right talent. You can use a company like us to help you with the correct software to find the right talent and ensure your campaign goals are achieved.

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